Saturday, January 23

Not Everyday

​It's not everyday
You wake up feeling OK

It's not everyday
You are grateful towards your Mom​

It's not everyday
You hug your Dad

It's not everyday
You join a new​ ​​, ​​harrowing​,​ blinding job for money

It's not everyday
You quit that same,​harrowing​,​ blinding job ​​​for peace​

It's not everyday 
You meet that being who ​soothes your being​​

It's not everyday
You meet a being that burns your conditioning​

It's not everyday
A person who just walked into you life, turns your world upside down

It's not everyday
You notice unconditional kindness in some unexpected corner

It's not everyday
You act strong when all you wanna do is let loose

It's not everyday
You bless a spontaneous decision that was once just an 'impluse'

It's not everyday 
You notice the difference between an impulsive and a spontaneous and a desperate decision

It's not everyday
Some people are nasty to you and you won't care

It's not everyday
Some people are nasty to you and you won't mind

It's not everyday
Your boss is being an a**

It's not everyday
You are being an a**

It's not everday
You enjoy walking for no good reason

It's not everyday
Your salary fills your heart with pure joy

It's not everyday
You get tired of being part of the professional drama

It's not everyday 
You are hooked to your phone for communicating with that one person

It's not everyday 
You meet that mate does a salsa with your soul​

It's not everyday
You surrender to your lover body, heart and soul

It's not everyday
You lust for someone else while being with someone else

It's not everyday
You accept your religion

It's not everyday
You reject your religion

It's not everyday
You see everything as miracle

It's not everyday
You ponder, 'Who has been the one in between these 'everydays'?'

It's not everyday
You will have an absolute answer to this

It's not everyday
That the answer no longer matters