Tuesday, September 6

Michchami Dukkadam

I'm not a saint to forgive you,
Nor am I a sinner to ask for your forgiveness.
This Samvatsari I seek Michchami Dukkadam for not being my true self.

Michchami Dukkadam, dear me, for the times 
I turned deaf to the inner voice

Michchami Dukkadam, for not giving you as much importance as
'log kya kahenge'

Michchami Dukkadam, beloved me, for the times
I convinced myself I am not good enough

Michchami Dukkadam, sweet I, for the times
Of burdening me with unrealistic expectations

Michchami Dukkadam, sweet one, for 
Allowing to be defined by others' limited perception

Michchami Dukkadam, sweetheart, for 
Feeding lies about right and wrong, good and bad, black and white

Michchami Dukkadam, for stressing out
Over trivial things, people and situations

Michchami Dukkadam, for not celebrating
The smallest joys that life brings, like breathing

Michchami Dukkadam, dearest me, for all the resistance,
Self-doubts, self-criticisms, self-scrutiny

Michchami Dukkadam, for not being around 
When you are the only one that truly needs, wants, loves me unconditionally

Michchami Dukkadam, for not taking the risks,
For giving into fears and insecurities

Michchami Dukkadam, for not acknowledging 
All the love and kindness you radiate relentlessly

Michchami Dukkadam, sweetheart, for developing cold feet
When you bring something profound and delicious

Michchami Dukkadam, dear one, for all that I should be apologising for
but allowing my arrogance to get in the way

Michchami Dukkadam, for putting you through 
annoying people and situations for no good reason

Michchami Dukkadam, also, for not knowing how to make amends or make things right again.

Michchami Dukkadam
For hurting myself
Knowingly or/and unknowingly
Willingly or/and unwillingly
Intentionally or/and unintentionally;
by any of my thoughts, speech action.
May I find it in my heart to forgive me :)

Stillness whispers, 'There is nothing to amend. No one to forgive. Look into my eyes and dance.'

And that's how an apology gets accepted.